Pushups Progressions
Knee Pushups:​
keeping a neutral spine (straight back) and core tight
set up on your knees and elbows tucked in
only the shoulder and elbow joints are in motion.
lower your body till you chest is just off the ground
Incline Pushups:
keeping a neutral spine (straight back) and core tight
legs are fully extended
only the shoulder and elbow joints are in motion.
Secure hands onto a elevated platform
continue to complete push up motion
keeping a neutral spine (straight back) and core tight
legs are fully extended and elbows tucked in
only the shoulder and elbow joints are in motion.
lower your body till you chest is just off the ground
Decline Pushups:
keeping a neutral spine (straight back) and core tight
legs are fully extended
only the shoulder and elbow joints are in motion.
Elevate your feet on to a high platform
continue to complete push up motion
Pushup Dumbell Side Raise:
keeping a neutral spine (straight back) and core tight
legs are fully extended
only the shoulder, elbow and spinal joints are in motion.
At peak of Push up Turn chest out keeping one arm on the ground
bring opposite arm up lateral to your body and fully extended arm
Alternate arms for lateral Raise
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